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With experience as a law enforcement officer (LEO), schoolteacher, Army officer, and firearms trainer, Ed Monk has researched and provided training on the Active Shooter threat for over 16 years. He has trained School Resource Officers and other LEOs, staffs of public schools, and church security teams on countering the Active Shooter. He has served as a consultant for school districts, churches, and businesses as they develop their policies, plans, and training for this threat. He has provided presentations on the Active Shooter threat to universities, schools, churches, law enforcement & government agencies, and businesses, across the country. He has been a presenter at the ILEETA, ALERRT, and NASRO conferences. In 2007, Ed retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander after 24 years of active duty in the US, Europe, and Iraq. He then taught high school and served as a deputy sheriff in Kentucky. He now serves as a part-time police officer in Arkansas. Ed’s formal education includes a BS in US History from West Point, an MS in Adult Education from Kansas State U., and he is a graduate of the US Army’s Command & General Staff College.
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM Wed, Nov 29, 2023
A School-Focused Study of the Active Shooter Problem & How to Minimize Victims
Who is the school attacker? Where do school attacks start? How and why have most schools failed at planning a response? Why are most “best practices” for school Active Shooter response not best? What is the only response that gives a mathematical chance of a low victim-count? How can a school plan, train, resource, rehearse, and wargame a response plan that will save the most lives?Participants will understand why past school response plans failed and what new way of planning, training, and preparation are needed.
Learning Objectives
- Time & Math are the most critical planning factors in planning a response
- A school's plan should be based on individual choice of action, not following instructions
- To lower victim-count, schools must plan for the day the shooter attacks, not the days he does not
Participant Outcomes
- Understand who the school attacker is most likely to be
- Understand where school attacks most likely start
- Understand the importance Time & Math in predicting victim-count
Critical Law Enforcement Lessons-Learned from Active Shooter Attacks
This presentation will use a study of over 20 Active shooter attacks to help officers understand (1) the attack and the attacker; (2) issues to expect and plan for when countering this threat; (3) how to design and execute training to counter this threat.By studying past attacks and extracting lessons-learned from them, law enforcement officers can improve their mental & tactical preparedness.
Learning Objectives
- Officers understand the strengths & weaknesses of the Active Shooter
- Officers understands the criticality of TIME in an attack
- Officers understands why they MUST make and keep deadly force contact with the attacker ASAP
Participant Outcomes
- Understand and be prepared for what is most likely to occur in an attack
- Be more confident in their ability to aggressively respond to and stop an attack quickly
- Understand and deal with the confusion of an attack
- Design and execute better focused training for this threat