Pre-registration: Oct 25
Conference: Oct 26-27
Workshop: Oct 28
Justify Your Attendance to the SROC-Houston Conference!
- Remember, It is not about you.
- It is about students safety, in fact, your organization will benefit from the lessons learned, best practices and insights that you will gain.
Justification Toolkit
Convincing your boss to allow you to attend SROC-Houston is a multi-part endeavor; you need to demonstrate the benefits of the conference to your organization and then you will need to persuade your boss that it is worth the investment of time and money.
1Review the program
Determine which Learning Sessions you want to attend. Select the ones that will help you best overcome your biggest challenges or give you new ideas to implement.
Open and customize this Justification Letter based on the goals, objectives, and speakers that you want meet and learn from.
3Review Actual Events & Lessons Learned Sessions
Customize this Worksheet to list the actual events sessions that you like to attend.
4Review the Speakers List & Actual Events Sessions
Customize this Worksheet to list the speakers involved with incidents and related tragedies that you want to ask questions on lessons learned from these actual events that took place.
5Tabletop Exercise, Role-Playing & Breakout Sessions
Customize this Worksheet to outline the valuable sessions you like to attend, and detail how these sessions will help you develop an effective action plan that is unique to your own community and will help you to engage the widest range of local stakeholders to make your [insert your organization name] safe and secure — the way learning environments really should be.
Print SROC-Houston Brochure to provide an overview of what this event is all about.
7Show How You Can Minimise Cost
Fill out this Worksheet to approximate the financial investment required for you to attend, and to show how you are cutting costs.
8Bring It All Home
Your closing argument, is to tell your boss that you will share your new knowledge with your colleagues and all stakeholders. You will have the tools and know-how to implement the latest Response, Recovery, Prevention, and Preparedness strategies. It is not just about your own personal development. By successfully using what you have learned at SROC-Houston, you will be able to help improve the overall safety at [insert organization’s name].
Other Tips to Help Justify Your Attendance
Start Early
- Start the approval process right away to take advantage of the discounts.
- Submit your request early to ensure enough time for the approval process.
Group Registration Discount
- Complimentary Registrations are available for groups of four paid attendees or more from the same organization are available.
Complimentary Registrations
- 1 for every 4 paid registrations
- 2 for every 6 paid registrations
- 3 for every 8 paid registrations
- 4 for every 10 paid registrations