Active Attack/Emergency Management/Significant Event Response Classes:
University of Texas at Austin Police Department (Jan 2020 to Present)
Investigation and Mitigation Division- Threat Mitigation/Field Intelligence
Responsible for gathering, receiving, cataloging, and disseminating field intelligence. Gather intelligence and coordinate with Public Order Division to plan operations for visiting dignitaries or high-profile persons. Responsible for tactical field intelligence during assigned periods of operations related to events, crime trends, or perceived threats towards the campus community or property. Will assist Threat Mitigation Sergeant in assessing crimes, suspects, reports, situations, events, and other incidents for threat concerns, behavioral assessment, assign potential threat levels, and coordinate with other divisions before threats present themselves or high-risk incidents develop.
Police Officer
Rapidly respond to active criminal incidents which threaten the safety and security of the university community. The division actively trains and operates to prevent or immediately intervene in ongoing acts of violence, initiate lifesaving procedures following critical incidents, and to prevent or contain violent behaviors from interrupting peaceful protests and demonstrations.
Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (Nov 2012 to Present)
Adjunct Instructor
Contract instructor to teach courses offered by the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) facility. Courses are related to Patrol response to active shooter situations. Certified to Instruct:
- Terrorism Response Tactics: Basic Active Shooter Level I and Train the Trainer
- Terrorism Response Tactics: Active Shooter Level II (Medical- Currently called First Responder Medical)
- Terrorism Response Tactics: First Responders Operating in Low-Light Conditions
- Terrorism Response Tactics: First Responder Breaching
- Bus Assault- assisted instruction at the 2013 ALERRT Conference
- Preview of the Active Threat Integrated Response Course (ATIRC) at the 2014/2016 Conference
- Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Train the Trainer and CRASE user level course
- Plain Clothes Response to Violent Encounters
- Active Shooter Events and Response
- Solo Officer Rapid Deployment (SORD)- assisted with development of course and Train the Trainer
- SORD Train the Trainer
- Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR) Course and Train the Trainer
- Civilian Response and Casualty Care Train the Trainer
- Civilian Response and Casualty Care user course (Stop the Bleed certified/First Care Provider)
- TCOLE 2195- School Based Law Enforcement Active Shooter Response
Adjunct Instructor
Contract Instructor to teach courses offered by the I Love U Guys Foundation, which teaches crisis response and post-crisis reunification used in more than 30,000 schools, districts, departments, agencies, organizations, and communities around the world. The curriculum is an all hazards response for organizations utilizing standardized language and response protocols in order to respond to emergencies. Courses include Standard Response Protocol, Standard Reunification Method, and Reunification Exercises.
FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION SERVICES- Haven for Hope, Battered Women Shelters (2011 to 2012)
Intern/Contract Counseling Intern
Provide counseling services to the homeless population of San Antonio, Tx. Services were community counseling oriented. Counseling services were provided for significant mental health concerns including domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, depression, anxiety, paranoid schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, suicide prevention, and anger management. Over 350 hours of direct counseling hours.
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accredited (2008 to present)
International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (IACLEA) accredited (2010 to present)
SUPERVISOR- Sergeant, PATROL 1st SHIFT- Jan 2015 to Present, SUPERVISOR, TRAINING SECTION- Dec 2011 to Jan 2015; Patrol Corporal – 2008 to 2011; Patrol Police Officer – 2005 to 2008
Additional duties assigned include:
- Police instructor: Instructs police tactics, Crisis Intervention, TCOLE Basic Instructor, Field Training Officer, Disaster Response, reality based training and other assorted classes.
- Organize, coordinate, and create reality- based exercises to train, test, and evaluate training, police department, and partner responses to critical incidents
Crisis Intervention, Mental Health, De-Escalation, and Resiliency Classes:
MASTER OF ARTS, COMMUNITY COUNSELING Council on the Accreditation for Counseling and other Related Education Programs (CACREP) approved Curriculum included: Counseling Theories, Psychological Assessment for Counselors, Group Theory and Process, Counseling Individuals with Behavioral & Emotional Disorders, Counseling in a Multicultural Setting, Development of Counseling Skills (Active Listening), Career Development and Choice, Research Methods in Education, Human Development Across the Life Span, Family Systems Theory, Ethics, Grief and Loss, a 100 hour Practicum, and two 300 hour Internships
- Passed National Counselor Exam- Dec 2012
- National Counselor Certification (expired)
BACHELOR OF ARTS; UNIVERSITY STUDIES WITH A CONCENTRATION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT STUDIES (Criminology, Psychology, and Communication) Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Curriculum included: Deviant Behavior, Forensics and Crime, Nonverbal Communication, Developmental Psychology, Brain and Behavior, Social Psychology, Persuasive Communication, Abnormal Behavior, Social Control, Collective Behavior, Intercultural Communication, Drugs and Society, Youth and Adult Crime, Adolescent Psychology, Mediation, Infant Development, Alcoholism, and an Internship with the Albuquerque Police Department’s Training Academy.
Additional Training and Experience:
Member of UT Austin Threat Assessment Teams
Advised UT San Antonio Threat Assessment Team during multiple incidents for specific Mental Health and Crisis Intervention needs
Teach TCOLE Crisis Intervention classes
Teach TCOLE De-Escalation classes
Create, instruct, and evaluate reality-based training scenarios for crisis intervention, mental health response, and de-escalation.
Assist with development of crisis intervention, workplace violence, behavioral intervention, and resiliency policy and procedures for private businesses, schools, and churches.
Sigma Associates School Based Threat Mitigation and Behavioral Intervention Threat Mitigation Training
TEEX Threat and Risk Assessment- Basic and Advanced
Recognize and Handle Abnormal Behavior- Texas Crisis Intervention Conference
San Antonio Police Department Basic Crisis Negotiation’s Course
San Antonio Police Department Basic SWAT Course
TCOLE Mental Health Officer
FEMA Homeland Security HSEEP L-146 and Intro to Exercises IS-120a
FEMA ICS 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, 800