I am qualified to teach AAIR, CRASE, Breaching and Level lalong with others as I have been teaching with this program since day one. I have been in law enforcement since 1996 working in many areas. These areas Include corrections, patrol deputy, detective, patrol sergeant, patrol lleutenant, and captain. During this time, I was a member of my
agency SWAT team working as a sniper, entry team, team leader, and as commander. Also, during this time I
conducted numerous SWAT and Patrol operations along with attending numerous training classes. As mentioned
above I am an Instructor In many tactical areas and helped ALERRT develop course material.
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thu, Jan 01, 1970 Sam Boyd Stadium
Active Attack Integrated Response Course (AAIR)
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11/30/2022-12/01/2022 8:00 AM
11/30/2022-12/01/2022 5:00 PM
School Resource Officers Congress
Active Attack Integrated Response Course (AAIR)
Las Vegas